While the world claims to be more enlightened and better for the Holy Bible in all of its forms, most still do not really know much about the history of its translations. And it seems that many do not care to this day...When I realized I actually own this most beautiful edition of the Bible, I was saddened to see actual comments like these being posted by customers on Amazon.com...
Thank goodness there is still some sensability among the Chrisitan faith. As this reply inspires me to believe there is...even if a little biased as well. "Thanks for sharing. May God forgive you for your judgement of others. Truly not a Christian act. Perhaps you should re-read Luke 6:37 or Matthew 7:1." - Rev. Cody Maxwell, Master Mason.
I think it is not necessary to speak for either side myself, but I do think this quote from an actual Mason might say it better than I could try...
I am mainly reviewing this Holy Bible to make a simple point. The Bible has been torn historically to pieces through the centuries, by every language and culture that has a hand in it ( funny since so few Christians refer to the Old Testament as the Torah - a very nice way to just write the Jewish Faith out of the whole scheme or involvement in it's existence ). Also anyone criticiszing the Freemasonic Orders should take a little time to read their Crusade histories, in particular the of the Knights Hospitaller and the Knights Templar Orders. If anyone has show devotion, respect and actually given their lives to ensure the existance of the Living Word that is the Bible of today...it has been the Masons. They are far from Satanic in their views, and have every reson to be offended to such commentary.
I came upon this edition quite by accident buying books to sell. But I think this one is probably going to stick around in my collection for a while now that I know more about it. And for those of you who do not realzie it, there are Masonic Editions of every Christian version of the Bible. Catholic, King James, Greek , even Coptic. I have thrown a few examples at the end of the article for those interested in such things.
Holding it in m own hands and looking through the very detailed illustrations in its first few pages, I can attest as a non-Chrisitan or Mason, that it is a true illustration that the Holy Bible is one of the great works of artisitry ever successfully put into print. It is truly a testament to the achievements of mankind to this point.
That at least is how I choose to see it.
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