"Read this book if you are new to legal highs. It lists many sources of legal highs and where to find them, and how much to take. WARNING - If you are unfamiliar with chemistry / extraction and synthesis; you should not be creating legal drugs from pure form, your stomach and intestines / brain may not like what you fed it. Or even if you are unfamiliar with drugs in general. Some people have adverse and very severe reactions to legal highs. I would not try any of the legal highs from here, I got extremely sick from morning glory seeds, (they were from a wholesaler, and did not contain pesticides). Be forewarned about legal highs. Use this book for reference only. Also, you must consider the source of the legal highsbecause, 1)It depends where and how the herb/seeds were grown, proper nutrients, light, etc... 2)How fast harvest was, from life to package, some herbs lose their potency within days. 3)How the extraction was performed, etc... I advise researching legal highs to the fullest extent using the Internet before buying this book. Also, many companies already sell legal drugs already prepared and tested. So, Do yourhomework before ingesting any legal high... "
- thedrugsdotcom / amazon.com.
When this book was released originally in 1973, it was distributed in pamphlet and xerox copy form and the author hid himself under the nome de plume of the Twentieth Century Alchemist. It covers in details many herbal and psychedelics, as well as compounds that you maybe able to find in quantity around your won household. How to get a decent and safe high off of things like Californa Poppy, Catnip, Dill, Guarana, Hops, Mint, Kola Nuts, Nutmeg, Madrake, Parsley, Yohimbe, Daturas, Wormwood and a slew of other odd alternatives to narcotics or other drugs. Each elixir per se is described first with its name, and scientific names or family, its materials, usage, active consituents, effects, contraincations, and supplier. Basically, many of the ideas in here are not going to taste that good (for example the nutmeg which must be consumed in large quanitities, therefore it is not a book for fine dining - rather a text strictly for altered states and high flying ambitions. A sacred neo-hippie codex.
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